TAL Education RPE

What is the RPE of TAL Education?

The RPE of TAL Education Group is $2.329M

What is the definition of RPE?

Revenue per employee (RPE) is revenue divided by the number of employees of an organization.

= net income / number of employees

RPE of companies in the Consumer Discretionary sector on NYSE compared to TAL Education

What does TAL Education do?

好未来是中国领先的k12课外辅导机构,在全国19个城市设立线下直营分校,285个教学中心,拥有6500名全职员工,其中全职教师3000人,从事互联网教育业务的员工600余人。2014学年线下培训参培训用户达90万人次,线上注册学员累计47余万人,在线教育社区的总注册用户达500万人。 2010年10月20日好未来登陆美国纽交所(nyse:xrs),是中国最早在美国上市的教育企业之一。 好未来旗下品牌:学而思培优,学而思网校,智康1对1,摩比思维馆,家长帮。

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