Barnes & Noble Education Inc Insider ownership

What is the Insider ownership of Barnes & Noble Education Inc?

The Insider ownership of Barnes & Noble Education Inc is 24.71%

What is the definition of Insider ownership?

Insider Ownership is calculated as the total number of shares owned by insiders (shareholders who own more than 5% of the corporation or an officer or director of the company) divided by the total Shares Outstanding.

A high value of insider ownership means that those working for the company have a large stake in the success of the company. This is sometimes seen as a sign that those running the company will work hard to ensure its success or believe the company's stock price will rise.

A change in insider ownership may come from exercise of option, stock grant and buying or selling of company shares. A purchase of company share signifies a confidence in the company's future performance by people who know the company best. Therefore, Net Insider buying is also an important indicator for investors.

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What does Barnes & Noble Education Inc do?

barnes & noble education, inc. operates bookstores for college and university campuses, and k-12 institutions in the united states. it operates in three segments: retail, wholesale, and digital student solutions. the company sells and rents new and used print textbooks, digital textbooks, and publisher hosted digital courseware through physical and virtual bookstores, as well as directly to students through it also offers first day and first day complete access programs; bnc oer+, a turnkey solution for colleges and universities, that offers digital content, such as videos, activities, and auto-graded practice assessments; and general merchandise, including collegiate and athletic apparel, school spirit products, lifestyle products, technology products, supplies, and convenience items. in addition, the company sells hardware and a software suite of applications that provides inventory management and point-of-sale solutions; direct-to-student subscription-based writing se

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