Adaptimmune Therapeutics Plc Revenue Y/Y

What is the Revenue Y/Y of Adaptimmune Therapeutics Plc?

The Revenue Y/Y of Adaptimmune Therapeutics Plc is 99.90%

What is the definition of Revenue Y/Y?

Yearly revenue growth is the percentage growth of the company’s revenue over trailing twelve months.

= (revenue past four quarters - revenue previous four quarters) / revenue previous four quarters

The yearly revenue growth rate is calculated as the percentage change in revenue over the trailing twelve months. For this specific metric, the calculation takes into account a series of the last eight quarterly revenues. The revenue growth is useful for determining the success of the company expanding its main business. Revenue growth of 5% to 10% is usually considered good for large-cap companies. For other companies, a sales growth of over 10% is more desirable.

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What does Adaptimmune Therapeutics Plc do?

adaptimmune llc is a multinational, clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing novel immunotherapies using its proprietary t-cell receptor platform that has the potential to transform the treatment of cancer. established in 2008, the company has grown from being privately held to one of the most successful biopharmaceutical initial public offerings (ipo) in 2015. with u.s. operations based in philadelphia, pa, adaptimmune is a company founded on strong science that has led to a robust pipeline of immuno-oncology product candidates, a growing research & development platform and ongoing plans for expansion. for more information about adaptimmune, please visit if interested in joining our fast growing team, click on the careers tab of this page.

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